Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Update (for lack of a better title)

Hello everyone,

School is continuing to go well, and the homework has been manageable thankfully. All of the teachers seem to be pretty good, and the topics have been at least fairly interesting if not more so. I have also officially joined the Aikido club at ODU which has been a lot of fun (and good exercise too).

My church (or our church depending on if you are someone who also goes to Sovereign Grace Church or not) recently had a meeting where they announced many new changes that will be happening. One of those changes has to do with care groups; they will be separating the singles into singles only care groups rather than having them integrated with the married care groups. I think that this will be good, and I believe the pastors are doing what they believe is best (and what God wants them to do), but it will be somewhat hard to leave my current care group. The church is also going to be starting adult Sunday School classes (before the main service). I am excited about this, and am planning on participating. Those are just some of the several good changes at SGC.

So long for now!

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