The first party was the care group Christmas party! It was a lot of fun; every one was supposed to dress "funky formal" i.e. "formal with a twist." We had lots of good food, and we did a white elephant gift exchange. I didn't take many pictures, but here are a few...
Our fabulous group leader Eric
Eric and Rebekah (Rebekah showing off the lovely brown rain boots that make her outfit "funky" :)
Chara and I
A bit later in the month was the annual Access Christmas Banquet/benefit. Most of the money (that not spent on the party itself) is sent to Covenant Mercies. Everyone dressed up formally, and came for a great night of yummy food and fabulous entertainment by some talented people in our church. Sadly, I did not bring my camera :(
Two other events for which I did not have my camera was Kaitlin's birthday party cookie exchange, and Chara and Jimmy's Christmas caroling party. Both of these events were a lot of fun!
Well I suppose my next post will have to do with Christmas day itself! Merry Christmas everyone!
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