Monday, April 21, 2008

My Week

I decided to copy Lizzy who was copying Katy in making a list of some of the things that I did last week. It may be boring:) Let me know what you think and maybe even make a list of your own either in a comment or on your own blog!

1. Went to school on Monday, Wednesday and Friday

2. Worked on Tuesday and Thursday

3. Babysat Wednesday night

4. Attended a great Access meeting Saturday night

5. Wrote a rough draft for my research paper for English class.

6. Practiced my oral presentations for Spanish class with my partner

7. Looked forward to the end of the semester (I am still doing that :)

8. Registered for classes for the Fall '08 semester.


Chelsea and Jacquelyn said...

Sounds like a busy week!!! Thank Goodness school's almost out! I agree...Access was so fun. See you soon. Jacquelyn :)

Katie Paulus said...

I think you should continue to do it! If nothing more than a good reflection on what the Lord is doing in your life and where He has you. :-) (I couldn't do one or I would soon get overwhelmed at my list and start to cry...) hehe