Friday, May 2, 2008

Eggs and Exams

Two exams down...only two more to go and then SUMMER BREAK! I had my philosophy and Computer exams today and I think that they both went really well. I have a Spanish exam on Wednesday and then a Biology exam on Thursday. I will probably take the rest of today as well as Sunday off and do studying (at least some) on the rest of the days in between now and my last two finals. I need to study most for my Biology exam.

Guess what is in this hanging basket?

Bird's eggs! I discovered the nest when I took the basket down and was watering the flowers. At first I didn't recognize what I saw but then realized it was a nest with one egg in it! Then I came back and checked it a few days later and there were five eggs! I hope that the babies hatch at that I can get some good pictures (if I do I will post them). One disapointment is that we can't see the nest unless we climb up on the porch railing and look in which we don't want to do often and upset the mama bird :)

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