Monday, January 12, 2009

First Week of School

Hello all, today was my first class of the spring semester. I am taking Statistics, Geography, Political Science (American politics), Asian history, and Technology in the Classroom (an education course for my major). So far things seem to be going well and I think that I will like my professors (I have not met my STAT professor yet as we have a sub for the 1st week). It does look like some of my classes have some assignments that will take a lot of work, but hopefully nothing too terrible :). I do not think I have very many papers to write (which is a good thing), but I do have some projects for my Tech course that will take some time.
I have a pretty easy schedule this semester (unlike what I though it was going to be!) I am at school 9-2 and I have an online class.

Later this week, I am looking forward to care group and singles' meeting! It feels like it has been so long since we had a care group what with Christmas and all; it will be nice to have it again.

Hope you all have a great week!


abbey said...

Glad your first week is going well Natasha! We're excited to have caregroup too! See you tonight :)

heather michelle said...

Sounds like your gonna have a smooth semester. I had fun catching up with you at access, girlie!