Thursday, August 26, 2010

Farewell Summer

Well it is almost time to bid Summer farewell, in just three short days classes will start back up again! I am looking forward to it, but am a bit worried that it may be a heavy workload! haha. I am taking Teaching Math, Teaching Social Studies (those two have more complicated names, but that is basically what they are), Short Story (I'm looking forward to this one a lot), Physics, and State & Local Government (online).

This summer has been awesome; from Next (which you can read about a few posts below) to Busch Gardens and beach trips, to time just spent hanging out with friends, to bike riding in First Landing State Park with my family. All this and more filled my summer to the brim, not to mention I started my new job! Now, while I will be sad to lose a lot of free time, I am looking forward to classes, cooler weather, the fall colors, and more.

I will try to keep this blog updated, but due to the aforementioned "loss of free time" it may not be as often as I would like ;)

P.S. If you are reading this, could you leave a comment? It's fun for me to know who is reading, and what they think. Thanks!


hunts said...

good luck starting your school semester natasha!! I will def pray for you girl!
btw, i love the pic below with you and cj:) Awesome!!

abbey said...

I'm reading, and I think that you're terrific ;) Can't believe it's "back-to-school" time already! Hope you're semester is all that you anticipate it to be and more! I'll pray for lots of opportunities for you to be a light to all those who don't know Jesus. Take advantage of this unique time in your life! I look back and so wish I had been more bold for my Savior during college. There's hundreds of people you come in contact with that need to hear the gospel. Speak up!! Love ya!

Natasha said...

thank you for the prayers, and Abbey for the encouagement to share the good news! :D

Ashley said...

:) like the updates

Allison said...

I am reading this too.