Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Unexpected

I had lots of plans for last weekend; Opsail, Busch Gardens, etc. But as Proverbs 16:9 states, "The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps." Instead I spent a big chunk of my weekend in the emergency room. I had a seizure at home, in bed, early Friday morning on the 8th, and my parents took me to the ER where I had a second seizure. While in the ER the doctors ran several different tests, and ended up keeping me overnight. Throughout this time I was in and out of sleep and consciousness (thankfully not conscious during the seizures!) so my memory of my time their is spotty and limited. There are even times when I was awake that I do not remember and would not have known about if someone had not told me. For example, I had no idea that they had already done the EEG until a nurse or doctor mentioned it.

I was discharged from the hospital on Saturday and recommended to take a week off, and boy did I need it. I was very tired and out of it (probably getting used to the side effects of  medication they put me on did not help). On top of that my tongue was so sore (I chewed it up pretty badly during the seizures) that I could hardly eat anything for several days which did not help with the exhaustion. Thankfully later in the week I started to improve, and now, though my tongue is still a bit sore, I am able to talk and eat almost normally. I still feel a little tired and "off", but figure that could also be due to still getting used to the medication. I was able to go to church today and will start back at work tomorrow. However, for safety reasons, I will not be allowed to drive for at least six months which does make things somewhat more complicated.

Next I want to take a second to thank all of you who have prayed and given encouraging notes, comments, visits, etc. It is neat to see how many people have been praying for me through this time. Please keep the prayers coming as we move forward with figuring this out. The "not knowing" is part of what makes me nervous; this could never happen again, this could happen often, this could happen once every ten years; we just don't know at this point. I see a neurologist next month so maybe that will shed some light on possibilities, but we shall see.

A verse God encouraged me with the other day is Psalm 139: 15-16. It says, "My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there were none of them" It encouraged my by showing me that God MADE my body the way it is, and God KNEW that these seizures would happen when they did. He knew this even before I was here on this earth. Furthermore, He knows what is in store for me in the future; every last part of it. I do not have any control, I may not have any idea what is going to happen, but God is in complete control and has complete knowledge.


Mama Toad said...

Thank You, Lord, that You are in control, and that You were merciful in NOT allowing this to happen in Orlando, but here in Virginia where the hospital was close by as well as family! God is soooooo good!

abbey said...

Thank you for updating us Natasha! i've been praying, and will continue to! Glad you're doing better!