Saturday, June 30, 2012

Adoption Day!

As many of you have probably already heard, for quite a while now my parents have been working towards adopting the precious two (almost three) year old girl in the picture to the left. This Wednesday was the court hearing to finalize her adoption into our family. Even though the court room was in another state, my parents were able to "attend" over the phone from our home where the social worker and a Notary also came. The hearing went by without a hitch and she is now officially Sarah Morrison! Thankfully she has already been able to live with us for while now so we already have a bond with her and her with us. Her and Joel are only a few days apart and are almost like twins. It is so fun to watch and listen to them interacting with each other.

To celebrate we all went to the Botanical Gardens as a family. We then came home to a spaghetti dinner and ice cream for dessert. My parents also gave her a stuffed animal dog as an adoption day gift which she loves. Below are a few pictures from our day.

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