Friday, July 27, 2012


On Monday, Lord willing, I and the rest of the E-team (about twenty others) will be boarding an airplane to fly on out to Texas and then drive into Mexico to serve the Rancho 3M orphanage in Guadalupe. Please be praying for all of us on this team. Below are some specific prayer requests in no particular order. 

-That God would prepare each and every person on this trip physically, mentally, and spiritually. That we would all go with ready and willing attitudes to serve however we may be needed without complaining not even in our minds.

-For good health for every person. Obviously, serious health issues would be a problem, but even relatively minor things such as colds can have negative effects.

-For safety; from the heat, from accidents, and from the various other dangers of Mexico.

-That we would be able to be a large blessing to Rancho 3M through the projects we are able to complete for them.

-That we would be able to be a large blessing to the children specifically through our interactions and time with them. That we would be a light to the unsaved children (even that they would be saved!) and an encouragement to those who are already saved.

-For safe travels, and little to no delays. Also, for no issues with border crossings.

-That God would meet each and every member of this team during the week. That we would be changed for the better, drawn closer to God, and that He would teach us new things that He wants us to learn.

-For Rancho 3M that God would continue to bless them and provide for all their needs so that they can continue to serve these children. They are also in the process of trying to open up a home for babies on the ranch. For more information on Rancho 3M you can find them on Facebook or go to

-For anything else that you can think of or any way that God leads you to pray!

Thanks in advance for your prayers! I will be sure to update this blog sometime after we return.

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