Thursday, July 12, 2012

Thoughts on Life

Lately, and lately meaning the past several months or even more, I have been thinking off and on about what life will look like once I am finished with school. A part of me is somewhat discontent with the idea of living what many would call a "normal" life of getting a job and advancing as far as possible in it. Are not Christians called to more than that? I recently read the book "Kisses for Katie" which even added to my thinking. I am wondering, should I do some sort of mission work? Even if it just for a year or so? Granted we are not all called to go out of our country or even out of our hometowns, but I think that can often be used as an excuse. Even if I stay here I want to make sure that I make my life meaningful in God's eyes; even if that is as simple as "loving my neighbor" in practical and very real ways and/or giving financially to organizations to help feed the hungry, heal the sick, and reach the lost. I could even give to people locally. I am sure we have all seen those people with cardboard signs asking for money...we usually say we don't want to give because "they'll just spend it on drugs and alcohol," but how do we know this? What verse in the Bible can you use to support not giving? Granted I do believe we should be wise about to whom we give but sometimes maybe God wants us to give five bucks (or even more) to the man or woman asking for it. We spend a lot of money on ourselves, and a lot of it is for unnecessary items. Not that we cannot ever have any of those items, but so many people are starving to death while we buy new cars, new technology, coffees, and more, and say we cannot afford to give more. As Katie says in her book, God did not create too many people for the amount of resources He has provided.

Whether my future holds teaching in a school in Hampton Roads, being a stay at home wife and mother, missions abroad, and/or something completely different I do want to strive to be seeking how to serve the needy, and I think we should all have this mind set as Christians. This song I am posting below seems to fit with this; I often fall into the same practice that the singer mentions of conhtributing money, "but never give till it hurts."

In his book, "Loving the Way Jesus Loves", Phil Ryken says,  "the real issue for most of us is that we always want to place limits on our love. We are ready to give, but only when we have something left over. We are willing to care as long as it isn’t too inconvenient. We are able to love provided that people love us back." I don't want to be like this. I don't want to only serve and give when it is convenient. After all, it sure was not very convenient for Jesus to take on human form and be tortured and killed on a cross, and yet He still did it for me.

Sorry if this is kind of disorganized and rambling, but I just thought I would share some of the thoughts that have been mixing around in my brain of late.


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