Monday, April 28, 2008

Sovereign Grace Church Picnic

Yesterday was the annual church picnic at my church. Despite ominous clouds and chilly weather it turned out to still be a fun day. There were lots of tables and chairs set up outside as well as some blow-up things (moon bounce, etc) and a snow cone machine (yummy :) Also, a lady from our church dressed up as a clown and went around passing out little goodies (bubbles, rings, etc) to the kids. I helped along with Heather and some people from my care group (Beth, Sarah, Tim, Cort, Katrina, and Allyson) to put tablecloths and centerpieces on the tables before the picnic. Then from about 12-1 I helped out in the kitchen. After a yummy lunch (grilled chicken sandwiches that my mom marinaded overnight) I spent time talking with friends, eating snow cone, and other fun things. On the way home, I stopped at the grocery store to pick up some candy for my care group's game night/ ice cream social that we have on Wednesday night! Then I came home, took a nap, and finished my research paper. I ended up going to bed very late last night!

What everyone looks forward to each year: Snow cones!

Moriah with some of her friends and some other kids waiting in line for the Jousting game

The obstacle course

The moon bounce

Snow cone machine

Face painting for the kids

Worn out :)

1 comment:

Chelsea and Jacquelyn said...

Natasha, great shots of the church picnic... It was so fun!!! Hope school's going well girl! JAP